1. Blogging and Student Teaching
In the journal Computers and Education, the article, "Towards a Framework for Educational Affordances of Blogs" highlights the use of blogs as a social tool for student teachers to self-reflect, vent charged emotions regarding their experiences, and demonstrate support for one another. The reported research found this outcome to be the most valuable result of the study of the use of blogs for student teachers.
I found the result of this study interesting. After watching a recent National Geographic documentary on Stress, I learned that actually having a forum to vent feelings, discuss experiences, and relate with others going through similar life experiences is a way of reducing and even recovering from the negative effects of stress on our bodies.
2. Blogging to enhance Learning
The journal article "Blended Learning with Everyday Technologies to Activate Students' Collaborative Learning" in Science Education International discusses the use of social software blended with the typical classroom environment to enhance learning for students. Blogging was noted as one of 10 various types of social software. This article reasoned that many students are already very familiar with social software and use it on a daily basis. Therefore, this blended approach maintains much potential and motivational value.
In regards to the first article you reviwed, blogging does seem to be a very effective medium for students to vent, as long as the venting isn't demeaning towards other students in any way. But if blogging is used right in the class room I could easily see how it could both serve as a form of stress relief, as well as a support group. Sounds like a great article, Thanks!