About Me

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Woman, Wife, Mom, Student, Airman, Runner, Follower of Love, Compassion, Truth, Mercy, and Kindness.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


My name is Heather Bashor.  I am pursuing a Master’s of Arts in Teaching Secondary Mathematics.  I am a proud wife and mother of three young children, Hannah, Adeline, and Elijah.  I spend much of my time participating in kindergarten, preschool, and toddler related activities including the membership coordinator and team captain of a preschool cooperative.  My hobbies include running and sports in general, and I have competed in a number of 5k and 10k races as well as a mini-triathlon.  I previously served six years in the Air Force on active duty and one year in the Air Force Reserves as a Linguist and Tactics Analyst. I currently serve in the Oregon Air National Guard. 

I look forward to learning about the possibilities and power of using blogs in education. I hope to gain a strong basis and understanding in order to develop and use this tool as a main component in establishing and operating my classroom environment.


  1. Hi, Heather! You sound like a very busy women, lol! Thank you for your service to our country. You've obviously made a lot of sacrifices for us, and it's awesome that you want to be a math teacher. We are in such need of good math teachers!

    Oh, and you may have seen this already, but it's one of my favorite teaching sites for math: www.khanacademy.org.

  2. Thank you!

    I love Khan Academy! I used it to prepare for my NES Math test. I have my preschooler and kindergartener watching it too... The basics of course.

  3. Hi Heather!
    We have things in common! Besides both becoming Math Teachers, we both have a daughter named Hannah! :-)
    It was nice to see you Saturday and have a familiar face to greet!
    Lisa Holley

  4. Hello Heather!
    Thank you for your warm welcome.
    I am just getting started with the class while everyone else is just finishing up (long story). Oh, just like the professor said you are truly busy and have great plans. Thanks for serving. Awesome Blog.
