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Monday, January 17, 2011

Part I - Managing a Blog

Previously I stated... In order to use a blog effectively and efficiently as a supplement to the classroom, I believe it requires commitment, practice, and continual adaptation. I also believe that the teacher needs to set clear expectations for the blog, understand and set limits regarding time and interactions, and adapt to transform the process to best enhance learning.

More specifically, I believe that it is important to set specific expectations and goal/goals for a blog. For example, my classrom blog will exist in order to keep parents informed of daily classroom lessons, activities, and homework. Then set a schedule or method to what you post on your blog. For example, every morning post a summarized version of your daily lesson plan online with the homework assignment for that day. Establish a way to receive feedback from parents on the value and usefulness of the blog. Set a time every evening that you check the blog for comments, concerns, etc. Stick to it, reflect on the outcome, and adjust/adapt if changes are needed or if goals are not being met. Focus on making the goal of the blog clear to parents and students. Communicate a process that parents can use to deal with other issues that are not acceptable to address on the blog page.


  1. I'm starting to love the connectivity that blogs can bring, but do you think there will ever come a time when there is too much connectivity? I like the idea of letting parents in on the process of daily life in the classroom, but it's a situation that has to be handled with care. If a student feels smothered by their parent, that could lead them to resent blogging.

  2. Thanks for the comment Joel. I believe research has shown that parent involvement in education raises the likelihood of success in school for students. Not sure what "involvement" looks like. I know there is a big push in education now for teachers to parner with parents. I also believe you are correct to say that some parents are smothering. Do you think those parents would be like that with or without a blog?

  3. I like your ideas and I think they translate across subjects. I know that you are also in ED 624 "Special Populations" in which we are now simulating parent/teacher communications. It's so appropriate that we can use our new knowledge of blogs in CSE 694 as tools to facilitate communications with (simulated) parents in ED 624.
